Here is a transcript of Season 2 Ep.3 – Game of Thrones.
Hi everyone, my name’s Tom Hickmore and in this episode of “What can TV teach L&D?” I’m looking at Game of Thrones.
I make drama for learning, so I’m taking popular TV drama and looking at it with an analytical eye, asking “What can we learn from this that we can be applied in the field of learning and development?”
When I first saw Game of Thrones I thought “What a confusing load of nonsense!”
There’s just too much plot! I can’t draw it all together and make sense of it!
But then I realised – it shouldn’t make sense. That is the point!
The idea of trying to fit a set of labyrinthine novels into a TV series would have been daft if you’d tried to tell the full story. But to see the advantage in telling a baffling precis of the novels is a vision of genius!
Game of Thrones isn’t designed to be watched like traditional TV, it’s designed for the social media generation.
There are Twitter discussions about what’s going on in the shows – taking place as they are actually being broadcast. There are programmes about Game of Thrones in which people talk about what happened in this or that episode. And there are YouTube videos about fan’s weird theories. Not to mention all the usual chat shows. The Game of Thrones drama series is just a tiny bit of this show’s media presence.
And this idea is something we can steal from in L&D. A drama provides a lot for people to talk about. If your subject is a challenging one to your audience – be that a compliance matter, the effect of forthcoming legislation, or a behavioural issue – drama can engage emotional reactions and get people talking. Later you can pick up that conversation and reflect it back. Stimulate emotion and then help people to make sense of it.
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