How recorded video content can enhance remote training delivery

In 2020, COVID-19 had an immediate impact on education and training. At first, it was a case of temporary solutions. As the seriousness and long-term impact of the pandemic became apparent, the solutions that replaced face-to-face learning were put under the spotlight. Whilst there are ways in which online learning can be criticised, there has been a widespread acceptance of its permanence and place in our collective future. Therefore the question is no longer around whether or not face-to-face learning can be replaced, it’s about the effectiveness of the technology and the design and implementation of the online learning.  

Since the beginning of the pandemic, Nice Media have continued to produce video-centred learning. The difference has been in emphasis. There is now more of a demand to produce content that can be used to enhance the facilitated training delivery that is taking place via Zoom or other video conferencing software.  

In this post, I outline some of the best ways that recorded video can be used to enhance live, remote, online training delivery. I delve into the types of video best suited for this purpose and look at the benefits of utilising video content in this context. 

1. Recorded Training Sessions with Live Q&A

Man in studio and on monitor

This involves pre-recording the main training content and then streaming it to the audience in real-time. The recorded training will be followed by a live Q&A with the trainer. It may also include having the trainer available online to answer any questions via ‘Chat’ at the same time.

This approach means that the trainer doesn’t need to repeat the core training elements over and over again. It means that the core content can be recorded once, reused, and that there is a guarantee that all course attendees will receive a consistent experience of this core content. In addition, it also means that you have a recorded asset which can be shared with trainees outside of the allocated ‘live’ delivery slot – so that they can learn at the ideal time for them.

2. Illustrative Video Content with ‘Guest’ Video Stars

Presenter in studio and on monitor

It might be that the training in question lends itself best to the ‘live’ training experience. Perhaps the value is in the interaction and the ‘getting to know each other’ element of the training experience. In which case, recorded video can take on a different role.  

To give an example, we recently produced a suite of video content for a management consultancy firm for their new starters around presentation skills. As new starters, the facilitated group training represents an important part of their induction. However, the training team wanted to enhance their experience by producing some high-quality video content that would complement the live element. We therefore cast professional performers (actors, comedians, presenters) to perform in some You-Tube style videos about the ‘do’s and don’t’s’ of presenting. The client now uses these videos in their sessions to introduce the key themes of the topic, and to inspire the new starters about the rest of the course.  

The added advantage of seeing professional, good quality content like this is that it reflects on the value and importance of the training being delivered. It also offers up the opportunity to create some content that is very specific to your organisation and targeted towards your audience – which can only improve engagement and memorability.  

3. Drama content to stimulate discussion

Woman looking pensive

There are many companies out there who have commissioned live theatre for face-to-face training or drama-scenario content for eLearning. By the same token, high quality drama video content can be used to enhance facilitated online training. The value of having bespoke drama content is that you can make it very specific to the culture of your own organisation. 

For example, if you are delivering a course on recruitment practices, drama content on the topic can be a thought-provoking way to stimulate discussion and to bring the key principles to life. Also, good drama will make the key learning points more memorable due to the level of emotional engagement. 


Considering the ways that video can be used to enhance online training delivery, here is a summary of the benefits of using it in this way: 

1. Consistency  

Using video content that has been carefully planned, scripted and recorded means that you have a quality asset in the bank that can be used again and again with the guarantee that all trainees are having the same experience. This is particularly useful if you have a large, global audience and if you are planning to deliver the same training multiple times.  

2. Multi-purpose assets 

The assets you create can be used for multiple purposes. As well as being used repeatedly for online training delivery, they can also sit on your LMS for other learners. In addition, they could be used again during future face-to-face training delivery.  

3. ‘Zoom fatigue’ 

Using some engaging, entertaining pre-recorded content can help towards combating ‘Zoom fatigue’. It offers a break from the normal video conference interface and allows for a slightly more passive experience of the content. Ultimately, it provides some variety.  

Everything we produce at Nice Media is bespoke. If you have an idea for how video content could enhance your online training delivery please do get in touch for a no-obligation exploratory conversation.

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