Brighton-based video agency Nice Media launches their exclusive Video Toolkit ahead of Learning Technologies 2018.
Over the last year, the agency has seen a rise in clients asking for internal workshops that offer solutions to their L&D challenges; solutions using video. The internal workshops are proving very successful for clients owing to Nice Media’s collaborative and consultative approach in hosting the sessions.
Melanie Hickmore, Nice Media’s Managing Director said:
“The sessions provide discovery for our clients – we help them unearth the challenges they are facing, share the value of video and explore opportunities within their organisations for video learning. We are providing a variety of video-based solutions that meet their learners’ needs.”
Video Toolkit
Due to popular demand for the workshops Nice Media has launched an exclusive Video Toolkit that gives L&D teams an insight into the benefits of video, real-life case studies against differing budgets and a bespoke set of recommendations for their organisation.
Melanie added:
“There is significant investment being made into the benefits of video given the richer learning experience it provides and the excellent level of recall it creates.
Our deep understanding of the needs of L&D departments and extensive experience in delivering high quality video means we are well-placed to work with teams to explore, advise on and implement a wide range of video-based solutions.”
The power of video for learning
Nice Media has also released a film to outline the strengths, benefits and power of video for learning.
Founded in 2003, the agency’s mission is to improve the quality of video in learning. In 2010 they took on their first full time employee; eight years on the team is 10 employees strong. The business is currently projected to more than double in turnover this financial year compared to last financial year.
If you are interested in a Discovery Workshop or learning more about the Video Toolkit contact Nice Media.