Last Wednesday the Nice Media team headed to Kensington Olympia for the CIPD Learning and Development Show.
Here are some nuggets from my favourite talks from the day…
Working Digitally: Social Media & HR
Perry Timms discussed the advantages of using MOOCs (Massive Open Online Courses). He advocated edX as a great site hosting hundreds of free MOOC’s. So persuasive was he in fact, I actually went home that night and signed myself up to one of their MOOC’s (on ‘Terrorism and Counterterrorisms’, getting back to my Politics’ student roots)!
Perry then presented the MOOC he had created for CIPD on ‘Working Digitally: Social Media & HR’, he describes it as ‘A MOOC to raise the game of the HR Profession in using social and digital tools’. Find out more at
Creating blended learning campaigns for impact
Acteon’s Matt Borg’s tips for getting the most out of our blended learning were:
• Aim for action
• Re-invent the intervention
• Campaign for change
He demonstrated how using your organisations’ existing channels of communication can get the most out of your blended learning. There were some really great examples of using untraditional methods to increase engagement, such as including info about the learning in your employee newsletter, creating posters for the campaign and put it on employee video walls!
Find out about Acteon’s award winning campaigns for Channel 4 here and HC-one here.
Social learning: what is it and why is it important?
Joanne McManus and Kirsty Palfreyman from ICS Learn explained that social learning is nothing new, even in Plato’s time academics would gather to discuss and make sense of new ideas!
They explained how technology can be an excellent platform for modern social learning and can engage the learner and engage the wider organisations. But don’t worry! They stated that you don’t need to go create this technology, using pre-existing platforms, such as Facebook or LinkedIn, is a great place to start.
You can find out more about ICS Learn here.
Cast study: elearning for behaviour change and service transformation
Ian Tatton from TFL and Toby White from Kallidus discussed the huge transformation in TFL’straining they’ve undertaken to create a truly blended solution.
It includes:
• 5 days of classroom training
• Online customer service training
• Gaming
The ‘gaming part’ includes an online board game to motivate and engage learnings during refresher training and it’s great! Think tube map meets monopoly. Fun Fact from the game: the shortest journey on the Tube is Charing Cross to Embankment.
Find out more about Kallidus here.
Key takeaways
It was really great to find out how organisations are being innovative with technology in L&D. Here are some of my key takeaways from the day:
• Make the most of the technology you have.
• Try to use a blending approach to inform and engage your learners – even posters!
• Think outside the box! Creative is the best way to engage.