Watch & Learn
Everything you need to know to produce great video drama for learning, in one short volume.
The learning sector produces a good deal of drama, but its knowledge of the form is patchy. As a result, video drama for learning does not have the best reputation. In this volume, Tom sets out to change this, distilling his years of experience into a concise reference aimed at people at the frontline of L&D. The book covers everything from the role of drama in the workplace to tools for storytelling, character design and writing dialogue. Whether you are a learning designer who wishes to raise their game or an L&D manager who wants to know just what drama can do for you, this book will help. With each chapter summarised in handy learning points, it’s easy to jump around and join up the learning to suit yourself.
Tom introduces the book
Real-world case studies
Watch & Learn includes a review of the relevant learning theory and research, plus real-world case studies.
Handy chapter summaries
Each chapter is summarised in a list of learning points, making Watch & Learn a flexible tool that's easy to use.
Supported by free online videos
This volume is supported by the author's free online videos including the series What Can TV Teach L&D?